christelvandewaerde.be help page
How to use this site...
All images are grouped per time period.
When you click one of the images that belongs to a time period, a window will open with the presentation of all images (paintings/drawings) in that group.
To go to the next image in a group, click to the right of the image. When you hover the mouse there you will see a button labeled NEXT appear. Click when that appears to proceed.
Should you want to go back to the previous image in a group, click to the LEFT of any displayed image. If you hover the mouse at the left you will see a button labeled PREV appear..
To close a group simply click the CLOSE button or click anywhere in the transparent zone.
Browsers This site requires a modern browser. For your own online security please only use the most recent version of any of these browsers
Please only link to the front page of this site, that is http://christelvandewaerde.be
this is because we have to test whether a visitor's browser has javascript active. If that is not the case then we have to redirect them to a different page. More about Linking
Christel Vandewaerde
Opitterkiezel 206
B-3960 Opitter Bree
Tel/Fax : 0032 (0)89 864 888
e-mail: art[(at)]christelvandewaerde.be
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